Save of Very Large Text Report Fails - 12.1 Web Viewer
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Save of Very Large Text Report Fails - 12.1 Web Viewer


Article ID: 260661


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


After 40+ minutes of saving a very large report, the session times out. Is there a way for us to increase the timeout value and are there any know issues with downloading large text files?


Release : 12.1

Web Viewer


Timeout values needed to be increased


There are two places for 12.1 Web Viewer where you change parameter settings to prevent timing out on large report saves:

  1. In the DRASCFG file it's the Longwait timeout setting (//DRASCFG  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=<PDS path>(<member name>) in your DRAS STC JCL points you to your DRASCFG file),
  2. In the 12.1 Web Viewer, Administration tab, Preferences, General Preferences, Timeout,  Logoff user after XX minutes of inactivity and Remote connection timeout XX.

NOTE: The DRAS Longwait timeout must always be greater than the Web Viewer timeout.

Additional Information

Customer found that Tomcat running at 95% of CPU contributed to the problem.