Report definition updates via XOG do not work as documented.
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Report definition updates via XOG do not work as documented.


Article ID: 260652


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


XOG developer guide states:

Jobs and reports definitions
During import, the imported attributes of the definition match the user interface
exactly. When parameters are changed, the old parameters are deleted and new
ones are added. Existing scheduled jobs and reports are cancelled, since the
parameters no longer exist. All saved parameters are deleted. If the update flag is
set to "True", then only captions (job and parameters) can be changed. If the
update flag is set to "False", the content item is assumed to contain all the
parameters and existing parameters are deleted as described above


Create a Report definition via XOG 
Go to report and Jobs > Reports
The report is created
Update the Report definition by changing the groups they have access to and deleting one of the parameters present

Expected results: Security groups to be updated and parameters to be removed
Actual results: No parameter is removed and no groups are updated as documented


This is caused by DE68618


Workaround: Delete the old report and create a new one

The XOG documentation has been updated as it was incorrect

XOG Development Guide

Job Definitions and Reports

The imported attributes of the definition match the user interface exactly during import. When parameters are changed, the old parameters are retained, and new ones are added. The update flag determines if we must update existing content or add brand-new content. Consider a scenario where you create a report definition by using XOG. The report contains eight parameters and five security groups allowing users to access reports. In such a scenario, when you update the report definition using XOG:

You can edit the values of existing parameters and add security groups. You can also add new parameters.

You cannot delete existing parameters and security groups.