How to migrate a new MCS probe template to the right version without having to make 30 new profiles?
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How to migrate a new MCS probe template to the right version without having to make 30 new profiles?


Article ID: 260639


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


What steps can be followed to migrate a new MCS probe template to the right version without having to make 30 new profiles?


  • Release: 20.4 or higher


  • Guidance


Regarding mcs template migration, if and ONLY IF you deployed a previous url_response_mcs_template, then you need to make sure it’s loaded and every version after that should be deployed in sequence (on the Primary hub) up to the latest version, by following the migration process explained below.

Essentially, using the Admin Console, we need to deploy all the versions of mcs templates for url_response probe from the local Primary hub archive, and then we need to trigger the probe callback (via Ctrl-P to open the Probe utility), by running->


by giving the templates_package_name and probe_name as inputs to the callback (each time for each version).

We need to make sure that we load the url_response mcs templates in the sequence of release and trigger the callback as shown in sequence, and we cannot ‘skip’ any version of the probe release.

Otherwise, if you just started with the latest url_response probe and url_response_mcs_template, and you never loaded any other previous version of the url_response_probe_template other than the one you have in place now, then you just have to make sure that you run the callback as described AFTER you deploy the new template provided by L2.

Additional Information

If you are unsure of the probe template package version format/value to enter as the version, OR the execution of the callback fails, check the probe_template_pkg_version attribute for the given probe by running this query against the UIM database:

   select * from SSRV2ProbeTemplatesPackage where probe_name = '<probe>'