Display volser command TLMS
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Display volser command TLMS


Article ID: 260596


Updated On:


TLMS Tape Management


Need to display volser information via TLMS panels


Release :14.0


Need direction on using TLMS Online Interface


The TLMS Online Interface has many options to display and update the Volume Master File (VMF).

These include: 

Volume Selection (VL01), VSN List (VL01), Data Set Selection (DS01, and many others.

Information about a specific volume can be displayed using the VL01 option.

To display all of the information in the VMF about one volume, use the VOLSER prompt to enter the volume serial number.

You will also see information about the first data set on the volume. If you want to see information about another data set,
use the FILESEQ prompt to give its file sequence number.

To list the tape volumes under TLMS control, enter a VOLSER and type YES next to VSN DIRECTORY. (The VOLSER
must end with a number.) The list will start with the VOLSER you specify.

To list the names of all data sets on a volume, enter a VOLSER and type YES next to VSN LIST.



Additional Information

Further information about TLMS Online Interface