The SOI application does not start correctly
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The SOI application does not start correctly


Article ID: 260588


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CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


The services start normally but the application is stuck on "loading" we tried restarting the services and the server and restoring the Java folder from another environment which works correctly but the result is the same.


Release : 4.2


We checked the manager debug page and it showed as completed.  I notice we could not access the debug page using https but was able to access using http.


When we open the UI Webpage, it was not loading which indicate a problem with the UI connecting to the Manager.


I check the \soi\samui\webapps\sam\server-config.xml and confirmed it was using https to connect to the manager.


I checked the \soi\jsw\soi-mgr_wrapper.log and found the following error which indicate a problem with https


SEVERE: Failed to initialize end point associated with ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-"]
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2023/02/15 19:40:19 | Cannot recover key


Customer said they did import a new cert to the ssa.jks file.

They made a backup of the file before they imported the cert so I rename the new ssa,jks file and use the backup ssa.jks


I restarted all the SOI services and now everything are up and running.  Customer will work on re-importing the cert since they did this in their prod env and said it works fine.