Jaspersoft Custom report: TIBCO Studio Tool to convert values from bytes to MB or GB
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Jaspersoft Custom report: TIBCO Studio Tool to convert values from bytes to MB or GB


Article ID: 260563


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


A Jaspersoft Custom report exported as docx includes a table with bytes.

Since the counters result in large values, how can I convert the values from bytes to MB or GB to make them more human-readable?


  • Release: 20.4


This request is 'out of scope' for Broadcom Support. We don't configure custom reports for customers, that falls more within the area of field services/consulting. 

Nevertheless, you have 3 options,

Jaspersoft community
a. Search/Post a message to the Jaspersoft community

Broadcom DX UIM Community
b. Search/Post a message to the Broadcom DX UIM community
Create a custom report that uses a query/sql statement
c. If you're using/running a query within the custom report, it IS possible to convert values from bytes to MB/GB.

As an example for Microsoft SQL Server, please refer to:

How to convert bytes to MB and add mb at end of result in sql query

Query to convert from MB into a GB value

Additional Information

  • Depending on your UIM backend database, there are other examples for other database types as well such as Oracle and MySQL.