Virtual Service Catalog to Restrict Registries Displayed
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Virtual Service Catalog to Restrict Registries Displayed


Article ID: 260491


Updated On:


Service Virtualization CA Application Test


New functionality is available post 10.7.2 GA for the Virtual Service Catalog to show the Virtual Services (VS's) specific to one or more Registries.


Release : 10.7.2


After configuring VSC to use Enterprise Dashboard sometimes unable to pull all the VS's if there are thousands of services running on multiple VSE's.


After 10.7.2 GA, VSC functionality is enhanced with the below functionalities. The functionalities are available with DevTest 10.7.2 SP3 patch. SP3 patch is available at Service Virtualization: Hot Fixes (Support Patches) and Service Packs which has a PDF document with instructions to apply it.

1. Can restrict Registries connected to the Enterprise Dashboard which will automatically display only those VSE's and VS's. See the below screenshot for restricting Registries.

NOTE: If multiple registries are connected to the same dashboard then multiple registries are shown and provide an option to select specific registries. After clicking on Apply button, click on Home tab at the top left corner and then click on View Virtual Services as in the below screenshot  and that will show the list of virtual services.

2. Loaded VS's list can be exported to the CSV file by clicking the Export Virtual Services button on the top right corner of the VS's list as in below screenshot.
NOTE: The CSV file will have filtered (columns) data only.

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Virtual Service Catalog to Restrict Registries Displayed