Things to Do for Agent Crashes
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Things to Do for Agent Crashes


Article ID: 260481


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CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope) CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope) CA Application Performance Management SaaS


General tasks when agents crash to collect key information.


-          System Events. Check the System Events for crash entries to see why the App crashed and what diagnosis files were generated by the system.

-          Crash Error file. There is usually an Error text file generated for the crash. Collecting this file is essential.

-          Core Dump. There is ideally a core dump generated for the crash. If not or not sure, check the System Events to find out why and fix the system settings to allow generating core dump next time.

-          Heap dump. If it crashed OutOfMemory. Make sure the JVM options are set to generate Heap Dump automatically for OOM.

-          Logs. Agent/App/Console logs at time of crash still valuable.

-          Process/System Performance. Agent/App/System performance data/graph to find out if any resource issue.