Single User Long loading time with Posted Transaction Review portlet
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Single User Long loading time with Posted Transaction Review portlet


Article ID: 260471


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


We have a user who is having issues loading the Posted Transaction Review Portlet.

Steps to Reproduce:

1. Login to PPM

2. Navigate to Home->Financial Management->Posted Transaction Review.

3. Attempt to populate required attributes and click on Filter.

4. After getting results back click on Clear.

5. Now click away to another page and try to come back to Posted Transaction Review page or try to click F5 to refresh browser and observe that it will take longer to run as it tries to pull all records and does not complain about required attributes.


Release : 16.0.1


Educate your users that if they clear out the field the filtering will return results for all investments so it's better they don't try to Clear and refresh without any values in the required fields.