SCP job failing with "Error uploading: Unable to create or access resource "
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SCP job failing with "Error uploading: Unable to create or access resource "


Article ID: 260401


Updated On:


Workload Automation Agent


we have a user trying to run SCP job type and is getting this error below

SOME_JOB       02/21/2023 04:30:16  02/21/2023 04:30:17  FA    93641312/1 1

  Status/[Event]  Time                 Ntry ES  ProcessTime           Machine
  --------------  --------------------- --  --  --------------------- ----------------------------------------
  STARTING        02/21/2023 04:30:15    1  PD  02/21/2023 04:30:16   saphost
  RUNNING         02/21/2023 04:30:16    1  PD  02/21/2023 04:31:16   saphost
    <Executing at WA_AGENT>
  FAILURE         02/21/2023 04:30:17    1  PD  02/21/2023 04:31:58
    <Error uploading: Unable to create or access resource ''.>
  [*** ALARM ***]

insert_job: SOME_JOB    job_type: SCP
box_name: SOME_JOB _BOX
machine: saphost
owner: someaccount@saphost
date_conditions: 0
description: "some jobs that runs daily"
box_terminator: 1
alarm_if_fail: 1
alarm_if_terminated: 1
group: SAP
application: SAP_FTP
svcdesk_desc: "XXXXXXXXX"
scp_transfer_direction: UPLOAD
scp_server_name: saphost
scp_server_port: 22
scp_remote_dir: "/some/dir/path"
scp_remote_name: "remote_name.txt"
scp_local_name: "\\\\ftp0001\\path\\download\\some_file.txt"
scp_target_os: UNIX
scp_protocol: SFTP
scp_local_user: someaccount@example
run_external: 0
scp_delete_sourcedir: 0



Release : 12.0


  • User may not have permissions to access ALL of the directories in the UNC path. Verify permissions by logging on as the job owner and change directory into each level.
    The user MUST be able to traverse through each directory. If at any point, an access denied message appears, you'll need to resolve this to allow the user to access.
    For example, using the UNC path specified as scp_local_name in the job definition, the user must be able to access ALL levels as shown below:
    • \\sapftp0001\Data
    • \\sapftp0001\Data\FileXfer
    • \\sapftp0001\Data\FileXfer\download
    • \\sapftp0001\Data\FileXfer\download\SND

Additional Information

If the resolution indicated above does not resolve your issue, follow process below to capture additional details for Support Review

  • Add ftp.scp.debug.enable=true to the agentparm.txt file
  • Restart agent for change to take effect.
  • Run your SCP job to reproduce the error.
  • Compress the entire agent log directory as well as the agentparm.txt file.
  • Open a case with Support and attach the logs and agentparm.txt file for review.