A recent scan shows the SOI-UIM and SOI-ServiceNow connectors have SSL Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm
Port: 7440 (CVE: CVE-2004-2761) Vulnerability
Plugin Name: SSL Certificate Signed Using Weak Hashing Algorithm
Port: 7440 (CVE: CVE-2004-2761)
Plugin Output:
The following certificates were part of the certificate chain sent by
the remote host, but contain hashes that are considered to be weak.
Subject : CN=CatalystRoot
Signature Algorithm : SHA-1 With RSA Encryption
Valid From : Nov 17 15:07:50 2011 GMT
Valid To : Nov 13 15:07:50 2031 GMT
Release : 4.2
keytool should be in the path, if not please set the same (for example by including the jre from Catalyst Installation set PATH=<Catalyst Installation Directory>\CatalystConnector\jre\bin;%PATH% ), run the below commands. You can use your own password for keystore creation, please replace the highlighted places with yellow background in the below commands from command line: