LU07643 and calls to IDMSCOMP and IDMSDCOM
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LU07643 and calls to IDMSCOMP and IDMSDCOM


Article ID: 260321


Updated On:


IDMS IDMS - Database


PTF LU07643 documents that any user-written assembler programs which call IDMSCOMP or IDMSDCOM need to have their entry points changed to COMPEP1 and DCOMEP1.

Does this imply that any schemas that reference IDMSCOMP or IDMSDCOM as database procedures also need to be changed?



Release : All supported releases.


There is no need to make changes in the SCHEMA calls. They need to remain as CALL  IDMSCOMP & CALL IDMSDCOM. These calls are made by IDMSDBMS not by the user program.

The change is only needed if you have coded user-written assembler programs that directly call and are linked with IDMSCOMP and IDMSDCOM, they would contain a VCON like V(IDMSCOMP) or V(IDMSDCOM).

They need to be changed  to  V(COMPEP1) or V(DCOMEP1).

See the HOLDDATA for PTF LU07643:

++HOLD (LU07643) SYSTEM FMID(CAGJJ00)                                           
  REASON (ACTION )   DATE (22286)                                               
  COMMENT (                                                                     
|     IDMS/DB                                         Version 19.0     |        
|SEQUENCE  | After Apply                                               |        
|PURPOSE   | Update user-written programs                              |        
|USERS     | All IDMS users                                            |        
|AFFECTED  |                                                           |        
|KNOWLEDGE | Updating user-written programs                            |        
|REQUIRED  |                                                           |        
|ACCESS    | Ability to compile or link user-written programs          |        
|REQUIRED  |                                                           |        
                     * STEPS    TO    PERFORM *                                 
      After installing this PTF, you may need to recompile or                   
      link any user-written programs.                                           
 The entry point for the modules IDMSCOMP and IDMSDCOM have changed.            
 Previously the entry points were IDMSCOMP and IDMSDCOM but are now             
 changed to COMPEP1 and DCOMEP1.  Any user-written programs which               
 which link with IDMSDCOMP or IDMSDCOM and contain a VCON like                  
 V(IDMSCOMP) or V(IDMSDCOM), will get S0C1 if they call those names.            
 The S0C1 will occur because the user program will branch to offset             
 zero in the given module.  To avoid the S0C1, any user-written                 
 programs with a V(IDMSCOMP) or V(IDMSDCOM) will need to change to              
 V(COMPEP1) or V(DCOMEP1).  Programs that load and call these                   
 these programs will not need to change.                                        