ntevl probe is not sending any alarm
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ntevl probe is not sending any alarm


Article ID: 260309


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


The NTEVL is not sending any alarm.

The log doesn't show any faulty activity but the probe seems not to be working and no alarms are generated.


A probe restart does NOT fix the issue

Robot restart does not fix the issue. 

Probe deactivate-activatte does NOT fix the issue

Probe redeployment or upgrade does NOT fix the issue. 

Probe super package that doesn't do any change doesn't fix the issue. 

Changing log level in the GUI, or even only triggering a fake update(not changing anything) at a GUI level fixes the issue. 






Release : UIM 20.x netevl any version


Missing matching criteria



    active = yes
    description = description
    level = critical
    logs = system
    severity = 1
    source = hostname
    category =
    event_id = 12300
    user = *
    computer = *
[…]  </ProfileName>


Why does the issue occur?

When any of the criteria field is equals to blank the event is not match hence alarms are not sent. 

All criteria must be matched for the Event ID to match. If any of the criteria is blanked out and does not contain either a * (match any) or a string the alarm will not be generated as per "event not matched". 


Why any GUI update fixes the issue?

The reason why the issue is fixed by editing the GUI is that the GUI requires a value in the criteria of the probe so it automatically fill the missing gaps in this scenario


How is this fixed?

Create a new superpackage to replace the current configuration ensuring all event-matching criteria has a value.

Or simply use the probe GUI to update the probe even not chamging anything. Just open and Save.