Configuring RDP Transparent login for SQL Server Management Studio to inject username at every connection
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Configuring RDP Transparent login for SQL Server Management Studio to inject username at every connection


Article ID: 260306


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CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


SQL Server Management Studio is one of the most popular applications to configure for Transparent Login

However, the way that the application works, it remembers the last login user and server name once one has connected to a given SQL database.

This means the next time one logs in, in the Login field, there will be at least one name populated, and the same for the SQL server name, corresponding to the latest user having logged in into that SQL server.


This may cause problems when trying to insert a new login name for the same RDP service connecting to a given server

A Transparent Login configuration such as the following:

<window id="">
  <edit id="[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]" text=""/>
  <combobox id="[; INSTANCE:3]" type="index" value="1"/>
  <edit id="[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]" username="true"/>
  <edit id="[; INSTANCE:1]" password="true"/>
  <sleep time="100"/>
  <click id="[; INSTANCE:2]"/>

Will have problems when attempting to insert the username


CA PAM all active versions


Modify the Transparent Login Configuration to include a MouseClick on the window where you need to insert the username

<window id="">
  <edit id="[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]" text=""/>
  <combobox id="[; INSTANCE:3]" type="index" value="1"/>
  <click id="[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]" /> 
  <sleep time="100" />
  <edit id="[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:2]" username="true"/>
  <edit id="[; INSTANCE:1]" password="true"/>
  <sleep time="100"/>
  <click id="[; INSTANCE:2]"/>