After CABI upgrade from 4.30 to 7.50 cannot login and other user access issues
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After CABI upgrade from 4.30 to 7.50 cannot login and other user access issues


Article ID: 260192


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM)


Upgraded from  UIM/OC to 20.4 and cabi to 7.50/wasp 20.40, unable to login to JasperServer cabijs, and via OC cannot get CABI reports/dashboard, though the probe is running OK.

Errors in the cabi log:

Feb 11 18:56:20:652 [UserSynchronizationThread, cabi] JasperURL for user roles:
Feb 11 18:56:20:896 [UserSynchronizationThread, cabi] getting organization for accountId 13 
Feb 11 18:56:20:896 [UserSynchronizationThread, cabi] JasperURL for user roles:
Feb 11 18:56:21:138 [UserSynchronizationThread, cabi] getting organization for accountId 24


  • Release: 20.4 CU5
  • CABI OS: Win2012
  • Database MSSQL Server 2016 SP3


1. Changed the password of the superuser and made it default

    Defaulted the Cabi password by running the query shown below on the database:

       UPDATE jiuser SET password = ' ' WHERE username = 'superuser';

2. Still observed issue to login to cabi using superuser

3. Restarted CABI probe 

4.Took a backup of the "cabi_rest_user_password " and remove the password value from cabi.cfg using raw config and restarted CABI probe 

5. After restarting the Cabi could login to the CABI url using superuser and no password 

6. Observed the Cabi server display is blinking on login 

7. Changed the same site's cookies to Lax from None with the help of the KB Article url shown below

Login to cabi server displays blinking or flashing page and constantly reloads

8.Restored the cabi_rest_user_password from backup back in cabi.cfg file and restarted cabi again