Normal user can by default check/uncheck "auto-run" on reports (even if they don't have edit permission on reports)
The issue is: when any user is changing this option, it's changed for all users.
The customer would like to prevent users to change this (only admins)
With ITMS 8.7 release, a new option to control if a non-admin can change or not the "Auto-run" option was added. There is a core setting 'SuppressReportAutorun' (under SMP Console>Settings>Notification Server>Core Settings) that now has more values (flags) and one of them is the ability to disable toggling this "Auto-run" option:
0: (default) no suppression
1: suppress for everyone
2: disable toggling auto-run for non-admins
Now you can change the core setting to the value "2" to trigger that restriction.