Moving transactions from project A to project B
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Moving transactions from project A to project B


Article ID: 260124


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Users posted time against a given project and these actual hours are part of our financial system.

Due to business requirements, we need to move the financial data from the original project to a new one. How can we do that?


WIP Adjustments and Approvals

How to transfer the transaction data.

Check the options on the Financials Menu:

  1. Locate the transactions that need to be transferred
  2. Details of the transactions can be found at the Posted Transaction review portlet ( Home > Financial Management > Posted Transactions review)
  3. Create a WIP Adjustment on the transaction to be transferred (Home > Financial Management > WIP Adjustment) 
  4. Make the changes needed and submit
  5. Approve the WIP Adjustment (Home > Financial Management > WIP Adjustment) ) by selecting the modified transaction and approving it.

Now the transaction-related units and costs will be transferred to the target project