Add exclusion condition to the search filter in directory sync profile in SpanVA
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Add exclusion condition to the search filter in directory sync profile in SpanVA


Article ID: 260112


Updated On:


CASB Audit CASB Gateway CASB Gateway Advanced


The directory sync settings in SpanVA includes two LDAP search strings, one for the directory users, and another one for the directory groups.

This article goes through the way to define the exclusion (NOT) operator.


SpanVA is configured with a Directory Sync profile.


The logical "NOT" operator is represented with the exclamation mark "!" in LDAP search, and it needs an extra pair of parenthese.


X AND Y is represented in LDAP syntax as 


like the condition to get all users where the object category is "person" and the object Class is "user", the final expression will look like this:


To exclude "Y" , then (Y) will be replaced with (!(Y)).

X AND NOT Y = (&(X)(!(Y)))

like the condition to get all users but not the managers where the final LDAP expression will look like this:


Additional Information

Active Directory LDAP Syntax Filter