What updates need to be made in UIM after changing the DB password?
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What updates need to be made in UIM after changing the DB password?


Article ID: 260060


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We just changed our DX UIM database password, and now the account keeps getting locked out repeatedly.

Can you please provide a list of any of the probes that might connect directly to the database, where the password might need to be updated?


  • Release: UIM 20.4 or higher


  • regularly scheduled password changes
  • security policy
  • DB migration/move


When the backend UIM database password is changed, the following probes will be affected, therefore some tasks must be completed in UIM:

  • data_engine (change the password, click OK to restart)

  • wasp probes (cold start the wasp, Deactivate-Activate) and the ‘connection’ string will be updated automatically. You can view the ‘connection’ string via Raw Configure mode. For example:

  • nas probe (cold start the nas, Deactivate-Activate) and the ‘connection’ string named 'nis_conn_string' will be updated automatically. If you dont see tht parameter via Raw configure the NiS bridge is probably disabled. You can view the ‘connection’ string via Raw Configure mode. For example:

  • cabi probe

    • Edit the following file on the cabi robot:
    • (NIMSOFT_HOME)/Nimsoft/probes/service/wasp/webapps/cabijs/META-INF/context.xml
    • This file will contain the hostname/IP and password to the backend database connection
    • Change the information to the correct hostname/IP or password and save the file.
    • Rt-click and restart the entire cabi robot and the issue should be resolved.

  • sqlserver probes (change the password in the sqlserver probe 'Connections' tab if you’re monitoring the UIM database)
  • sql_response probes
  • jdbc_response probes


Note: If you are using Windows Authentication and you have updated the password of the DB user, the  Nimsoft Robot Watcher Service's password must be changed too, otherwise the data_engine won't be able to connect. 

•  Similarly to what was done when Windows Authentication was configured in a first place, in primary hub Windows Server open "Services" or run "services.mcs"

•  In services search for "Nimsoft Robot Watcher" > right click and go to properties > Log On

•  Update the password with the new password for the user the services are configured to "Log on as:" 

•  Apply, Save, and Restart the Nimsoft Robot Watcher Service

•  Repeat the same steps on the OC Server, and CABI Server Nimsoft Robot Watcher Services.