What updates need to be made in UIM after changing the DB password?
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What updates need to be made in UIM after changing the DB password?


Article ID: 260060


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


We just changed our DX UIM database password, and now the account keeps getting locked out repeatedly.

Can you please provide a list of any of the probes that might connect directly to the database, where the password might need to be updated?


  • Release: UIM 20.4


  • regularly scheduled password changes
  • security policy


When the backend UIM database password is changed, the following probes will be affected, therefore some tasks must be completed in UIM:

  • data_engine (change the password, click OK to restart)
  • wasp probes (cold start the wasp, Deactivate-Activate) and the ‘connection’ string will be updated automatically. You can view the ‘connection’ string via Raw Configure mode. For example:

  • nas probe (cold start the nas, Deactivate-Activate) and the ‘connection’ string will be updated automatically. You can view the ‘connection’ string via Raw Configure mode. For example:

  • cabi probe

    • Edit the following file on the cabi robot:
    • (NIMSOFT_HOME)/Nimsoft/probes/service/wasp/webapps/cabijs/META-INF/context.xml
    • This file will contain the hostname/IP and password to the backend database connection
    • Change the information to the correct hostname/IP or password and save the file.
    • Rt-click and restart the entire cabi robot and the issue should be resolved.

  • sqlserver probes (change the password in the sqlserver probe 'Connections' tab if you’re monitoring the UIM database)
  • sql_response probes
  • jdbc_response probes


Note: If you are using Windows Authentication and you have updated the password of the DB user, the  Nimsoft Robot Watcher Service's password must be changed too, otherwise the data_engine won't be able to connect. 

•  Similarly to what was done when Windows Authentication was configured in a first place, in primary hub Windows Server open "Services" or run "services.mcs"

•  In services search for "Nimsoft Robot Watcher" > right click and go to properties > Log On

•  Update the password with the new password for the user the services is configured to "log on as": 

•  Apply, save, restart the Nimsoft Robot Watcher Service

•  Repeat the same steps on the OC Server, and CABI Server Nimsoft Watcher Services.