Download and Install AdoptOpnJDK for Siteminder Components
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Download and Install AdoptOpnJDK for Siteminder Components


Article ID: 260045


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CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER


The Symantec Siteminder Policy Server, Access Gateway Server, and the Policy Server SDK all require a 64 bit JDK be installed as a prerequisite.  

Supported JDK Versions by Siteminder Version

r12.8.7: AdoptOpenJDK 8.x ; AdoptOpenJDK 11.x
             Oracle JDK 8.x ;  11.x
r12.8.6: AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.212 & higher ; AdoptOpenJDK 11.x
             Oracle JDK 1.8.x 
r12.8.5: AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.212 & higher
             Oracle JDK 1.8.x 
r12.8.4: AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.212 & higher

r12.8.3: AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.212 & higher




Product: Symantec Siteminder

Components: Policy Server; Access Gateway Server; SDK

Versions: r12.8.3 and higher


NOTE:  While both AdoptOpenJDK and Oracle JDK are built on the open source 'OpenJDK', Siteminder specifically supports the published versions of AdoptOpenJDK and Oracle JDK specifically.


Download AdoptOpenJDK

1) Browse to the following location:

2) Select the appropriate OS from the 'Operating System' drop-down.

3) Select "x64" from the 'Architecture' drop-down.

4) Select the "ANY" from the 'Package Type' drop-down.

5) Select either "8" or "11" (depending on Siteminder version) from the 'Version' drop-down.

6) Download the JDK and the JRE

File Options

Windows: .msi or .zip
Linux: tar.gz

Install AdoptOpenJDK

Windows .msi install

1) Copy the JDK and JRE .msi files to the Siteminder server where they will be installed

2) 'right-click' the .msi and select INSTALL

3) Follow the prompts and accept defaults during installation

4) Install both the JDK and JRE


Windows .zip install

1) Copy the JDK and JRE .zip files to the Siteminder server and path where they will be installed

2) unzip the installation file(s) using the 'Unzip to Here' option.


Linux tar.gz Install

1) Copy the JDK and JRE .tar.gz files to the Siteminder server and path where they will be installed

2) Assign 755 permission for the .tar.gz file and Extract the installation files

example: tar -xvf OpenJDK8U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_8u362b09.tar.gz

3)  Delete the tar.gz files

Additional Information

r12.8 Supported Configuration Matrix

AdoptOpenJDK Downloads