Upgrade failed on 16.0.2 at pre-upgrade ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
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Upgrade failed on 16.0.2 at pre-upgrade ORA-01861: literal does not match format string


Article ID: 260035


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


The Clarity upgrade has failed with the following error:


2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) ==========================================
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) DBTools Log - Wed Feb 15 11:14:54 EST 2023
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) ==========================================
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) Executing Ant script: D:\Apps\Clarity\upgrade\16.0.2\infrastructure\preupgrade\database.xml
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) Failed to execute:  update cmn_install_history set base_release = '16.0.2', installed_date = '2023-02-15 11:14:55', installed_version = '' where INSTALL_ID like '%clarityContent'
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) com.niku.dbtools.ant.ExecutableException: D:\Apps\Clarity\upgrade\16.0.2\infrastructure\preupgrade\database.xml:58: java.sql.SQLException: [CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) 
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) 
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) Total time: 0H:0M:0S
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask)     at com.niku.dbtools.ant.AntUtil.executeAntScript(AntUtil.java:109)
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask)     at com.niku.dbtools.ant.AntUtil.executeAntScript(AntUtil.java:84)
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask)     at com.niku.dbtools.Utilities.executeAntScript(Utilities.java:2620)
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask)     at com.niku.dbtools.Utilities.run(Utilities.java:2154)
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask)     at com.niku.dbtools.Utilities.main(Utilities.java:1161)
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) Caused by: D:\Apps\Clarity\upgrade\16.0.2\infrastructure\preupgrade\database.xml:58: java.sql.SQLException: [CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
2/15/23 11:14 AM (ExecTask) 

Another possible error at the same spot: ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string


Release : 16.0.2

Environments with an Oracle database


The wrong NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter is configured.


  1. With DBA, set the NLS_DATE_FORMAT to YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS for the instance
  2. Re-run the upgrade