In the Master Object Details flyout panel, Child Subtab Copy action is not available even though user has all rights
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In the Master Object Details flyout panel, Child Subtab Copy action is not available even though user has all rights


Article ID: 259997


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The right-click 'Copy' action is not available for a Child Custom Sub Object Tab grid in the Details Fly-out from the Master Object grid or from an Investment grid. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Perform the steps for a user that has the global access rights to copy Custom Master records, Custom child (2nd-level) records, and Custom grandchild (3rd-level) records
  2. Set up a Blueprint for the Custom Master with a Module for the Custom child 2nd-level object 
  3. Go to the Custom Objects, Master grid workspace
  4. Click on one of the Master records that has the blueprint with the sub object module 
  5. Open the Details flyout and navigate to the child object subtab 
  6. Right-click on one of the child records and look for the 'Copy' action 

Expected Results: The right-click 'Copy' action should show disabled for users without 'Copy' access rights or enabled for users with the access rights on the Child Custom Sub Object. 

Actual Results: The 'Copy' action does not show up at all for a Child Custom Sub Object tab in the Details Fly-out. 

Workaround: For a child sub object under the Master object, go into the Sub Object module to use the 'Copy' action on the grid. 



Release 16.1.1  




Targeted Fix in Release 16.1.2