UX: When Name and ID are auto-numbered on the Custom Object the Copy fails with an API error
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UX: When Name and ID are auto-numbered on the Custom Object the Copy fails with an API error


Article ID: 259988


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When the Object 'Name' field has a Default Value set or is using auto-numbering, the 'Copy' action fails with an API error. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Login to any server where you have a Custom Object set up as admin user who has rights to the Custom Object being used
  2. In Classic, navigate to Studio for the Custom Object, Attributes tab 
  3. Click on Name (a required field), click on Auto-numbering tab and set up the auto-numbering, Save
  4. Do the same for ID field
  5. Login to MUX as admin
  6. Navigate to Custom Objects, Your object 
  7. Create a new Instance if none exist
  8. Select the Instance and Copy
  9. Copy screen is blank as expected because required fields that are enabled for auto-number do not appear on the modal 
  10. Click the 'Copy' button in the modal 

Expected Results: When the user invoked the 'Copy' action from the UX, it should be successful. 

Actual Results: An API-1039 Invalid Request URL Toast Message appears and the 'Copy' action fails. There is no additional information in the app log. The problem is that no payload is sent so the JSONParser returns null which leads to the resources getting set to null and the InvalidUrl message is sent. When only the ID field is auto-numbered, that works as expected. 

Workaround: Do not set a Default Value or use auto-numbering on a Custom Object for the Name field if the 'Copy' action is going to be used. 


Release 16.1.1 




Targeted Fix in Release 16.1.2

The API Toast error message will no longer appear.

The modal will be blank because the required Name & ID fields have existing values that will be copied over.