Uninstall APM connector fails due to missing installvariables.properties file
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Uninstall APM connector fails due to missing installvariables.properties file


Article ID: 259986


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CA Service Operations Insight (SOI)


The uninstall of the APM connector fails,

And then the uninstall of the integration services fails due to APM connector still showing listed.


Release : SOI 4.2 CU4

APM connector - all supported versions


installvariables.properties is a required file that tells the uninstall what to remove.


The file installvariables.properties is version specific, but otherwise has no install specific details.

Copy the file from a dev or lab box,

or if needed, install the same version on a test host, grab the file, and then delete the host.


Note - there are several versions of this file on an install, make sure to use the one in the same path as the missing one.

In this case, the missing file should be in:

*\CA\SOI\Uninstall APM Connector

Additional Information

After everything is successfully upgraded, it is a good idea to remove this cache file before restarting services:
