Hierarchy: Custom Sub Object Grids are unexpectedly showing Plus '+' icon
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Hierarchy: Custom Sub Object Grids are unexpectedly showing Plus '+' icon


Article ID: 259983


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Within a Hierarchy, it is expected that the user is not allowed to create new records for data in Sub Object Module Grids. The users are seeing the '+' plus button, leading them to think that this option is available to create a record, however, when the user clicks the button it is not working as expected. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Create a Hierarchy of Projects or other investment types with an admin user
  2. Modify a custom Hierarchy blueprint to add status reports or custom object Modules 
  3. Assign the blueprint to the above created hierarchy 
  4. Drill in to the hierarchy 
  5. Navigate to Status Report or Custom Object Module 
  6. Observe the '+' button appears, try to use it 

Expected Results: The '+' button should NOT appear on a Hierarchy Sub Object Module Grid. The ability to create new records is not supported for Hierarchies, only edit and delete actions. 

Actual Results: The '+' button appears and does not work as the user might have expected. 

Workaround: None. 



Release 16.1.1 




Targeted fix in Release 16.1.2