Gen .Net proxy requests and XML
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Gen .Net proxy requests and XML


Article ID: 259918


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Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed Gen


How to avoid sending XML data from .Net proxy request, in order to reduce the volume of the unused data being transmitted over the network.

The .Net proxies are generated without XML option, but the XML data are still transmitted in the requests. This is with the TE (aefad) with -n0 option set.



Release : 8.6


The .Net proxy is not actually sending the XML requests.  Users can be confused by the lines (as shown below for example) as an XML request. It's actually just the server load module sending a WSDL, for each Pstep that was included in the Server Manager. The aefad will get the "CFG" response from the load module (only on startup) and store it in the event that a Web request comes in.  It then uses the stored WSDL to convert the SOAP request into a CFB.  If the aefad was started with a '-n0', it skips the storage part. There is no way to prevent the load module from sending it to the aefad that is coded into the server runtimes. 

3:36:11.919421==>TIRCFG: type=W, pstep=SAMPLE_PSTEP_123_SRV    , datalength=123456, data=
  [10009e6ec] 3c3f786d 6c207665 7273696f 6e3d2231 2e302220  *<?xml version="1.0" *
  [10009e700] 656e636f 64696e67 3d225554 462d3822 3f3e203c  *encoding="UTF-8"?> <*
  [10009e714] 64656669 6e697469 6f6e7320 786d6c6e 733a736f  *definitions xmlns:so*
  [10009e728] 61703d22 68747470 3a2f2f73 6368656d 61732e78  *ap="http://schemas.x*