DNA Job Aborts in Applications Manager due to 'Unavailable" mapped network drive
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DNA Job Aborts in Applications Manager due to 'Unavailable" mapped network drive


Article ID: 259917


Updated On:


CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


DNA Jobs may Abort in Applications Manager if the required mapped drive is not found. Below is an example of this occurring, which occurs in the PREFIX.DNAP.bat:

*************** In PREFIX.DNAP.bat...       ***************
Current network drive mappings and statuses:
New connections will be remembered.

Status       Local     Remote                    Network

Unavailable  B:        \\systems\mis\
                                                Microsoft Windows Network
Unavailable  H:        \\share2\payroll\direct deposit files 
                                                Microsoft Windows Network
Unavailable  I:         \\Auto-FTP\DNA 
                                                Microsoft Windows Network
Unavailable  P:        \\TEST\acc\INCOMING FILE DNA 
                                                Microsoft Windows Network
Unavailable  R:        \\share3\DNA_REPORTS 
                                                Microsoft Windows Network
Unavailable  T:        \\example1\ReleasedItems  Microsoft Windows Network
Unavailable  Y:        \\test\dfs\dnaprod 
                                                Microsoft Windows Network
Unavailable  Z:        \\share4\dnamaster\DNAFileShares 
                                                Microsoft Windows Network
The command completed successfully.

In the above example, the result of a 'net use' command is seen. The results show that none of the required network drives are available. This causes the DNA Job to Abort since the DNA Job depends on those drives to be available.


Release : 9.3.x, 9.4.x

Component : CA Automic Applications Manager (AM)


This is not an Applications Manager issue as Applications Manager does not have control on whether a network drive is available or not.

This is an issue between the Windows Agent Server/OS and the mapped drives. It is recommended the OS and Network Admins are involved to review and resolve the issue.