Management API Syntax for Audit/Services Query
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Management API Syntax for Audit/Services Query


Article ID: 259915


Updated On:


CASB Security Premium CASB Audit CASB Audit CASB Security Advanced CASB Security Standard


Client would like guidance for a CloudSOC Management API query to match results from Audit Services GUI export.


API Management "Getting Audit Services" section of Tech Doc updated 02 Feb 2023

Important points to get matching data in Audit Services API query:

  • Epoch earliest & latest date/time in API query must match times selected in GUI
  • Resolution is needed and explained in Tech doc
  • Classification selected in the Audit Services Configure tab is called "service_type" in the API query and must match 

  • API Key and Key_Secret need to be included in API query

Sample Audit API query syntax - (Basic Authentication needs to be added for the specific tenant)<casbtenantID>/audit/v2/data/?resource=service&earliest_date=1668556800&latest_date=1668643199&service_type=enterprise&resolution=86400