Addressing SQL parse error: Column zcolumn not found in table usp_contact
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Addressing SQL parse error: Column zcolumn not found in table usp_contact


Article ID: 259888


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CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


In the SDM stdlogs, one may find entries in the logs similar to the following:

12/30 08:53:57.54 SDM-SERVER1 bpvirtdb_srvr           4848 ERROR        sqltrans.c            2156 Column zcolumn not found in table usp_contact (subquery 1.0 SELECTION)

12/30 08:53:57.55 SDM-SERVER1 bpvirtdb_srvr           4848 ERROR        vdbsql.c              4619 SQL parse error: Column zcolumn not found in table usp_contact (subquery 1.0 SELECTION) at . zcolumn


CA Service Desk Manager 17.3 and 17.4


Issue is likely a mismatch on the schema customisations


Review the following:

  • Check WSP Schema Designer to see if the given column, zcolumn in this case, is defined and exists in the associated table usp_contact

  • Check the wspcol table in the backend MDB to see if the schema design shows an entry for the zcolumn field in the associated table usp_contact

  • Review the ddict.sch file and the wsp.mods file in the SDM NX_ROOT\site directory to see if the above field is defined in both files

Additional Information

It is likely that one will need to republish the schema to address the issue.  Make sure that there are no altercol.dat or altertbl.dat files present in the install before running the schema republish.