Gen EJB Custom Web Service response time increase over default
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Gen EJB Custom Web Service response time increase over default


Article ID: 259844


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Gen Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed Gen - Workstation Toolset


A Gen (default) EJB web service was created from a server PStep in the Toolset.
In Gen Studio an interface on the same server Pstep was created using some customizations like skipping all System Variables Client Id, Command, Exit State etc in both the request and response. Then a custom web service was created from that interface.
After generate/install/assemble and deploy to WebSphere there is a significant increase in response time of the custom web service compared to the default web service.
Is there any way to optimize the custom web service to get its response to be similar to the original default EJB web service?


Release : 8.6


Support tested a modified version of the model that did not access a database and just returned from the server with some default data.
Using WebSphere running on the local machine for a default web service that responds within 10ms its corresponding custom web service is approximately 110-150ms slower.
From further testing the overhead appears to be just a consistent time interval overhead rather than a percentage of overall response time.

Gen Engineering carried out detailed research into the additional response time for the custom web service.
The custom web service incurs a penalty because of the XSLT transformations taking place both on the request and the response. 
During their research:
1. Engineering tested different customizations to see if the actual number of parameters being customized had an impact on the performance. Broadly speaking the number of parameters does not have an impact one way or the other.
2. Engineering tried to use a third party product to do the XSLT transformations to see if they could get a performance improvement but that proved too difficult to integrate into the code for a PTF fix. So any change would require a product enhancement.

In summary the current web services runtime is currently working as designed with respect to the extra time taken for the custom web service request/response due to the XSLT transformations. 
The extra time is a constant small increment rather than something that is a percentage of the total response time. So that is why the increase in custom web service response time compared to the default web service response time is most noticeable for very quick transactions.

To request a future custom web service performance enhancement please create a new idea on the Ideas community.

Additional Information

Other testing done with a local JBoss EAP 7.1 installation showed a similar response time difference but smaller than WebSphere i.e. for a default web service that responds within 5ms its corresponding custom web service is approximately 20-40ms slower.

URL formats for Default & Custom Gen EJB Web Service