How does the table RPT_CALENDAR update?
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How does the table RPT_CALENDAR update?


Article ID: 259808


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


We are using this table to calculate FTE, but the date range is not what we need.

How do we modify this?


Release : 16.1.0


The data in RPT_CALENDAR populates from stored procedure rpt_calendar_sp.

which can be deduced from the job's Update Report Tables stored procedure RPT_SETUP_SP

It uses the DWH slices to determine the date range.

If daily data needs to have a larger range in that table, increase the From Date or number of periods for the 55555 Daily Slice depending if you need more data from the past (change from date) or want more into the future (change number of periods)

RPT_CALENDAR table holds DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, ANNUALLY, QUARTERLY Start and End Dates as well as FTE (hours in the period)

For instance DAILY PERIOD_TYPE = 8 FTE


MONTHLY are based on the number of days in the period.

This table is also used to populate the PPM view DWH_COM_PERIOD_V which in turn populates various period views in DWH.  These DWH views are then used to calculate FTE in domains and reports.