Find Software Inventory Difference between Domain and Enterprise
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Find Software Inventory Difference between Domain and Enterprise


Article ID: 259791


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


How to compare the Software Inventory of computers on DOMAIN and Enterprise to find if there are some replication problems ?


Client Automation - All Versions


1- Copy attached script Compare_repli_SW_Inv.dms on the Enterprise Server in a temp directory (ex: c:\TEMP\Compare_SW_Inv)
2- Execute this command :
cd c:\temp\Compare_SW_Inv
dmscript Compare_repli_SW_Inv.dms
or if logged user has not enough right on Enterprise mdb :
dmscript Compare_repli_SW_Inv.dms -SQLEM ca_itrm NOT_changedR11
Replace NOT_changedR11 by the valid password for ca_itrm SQL account on Enterprise mdb if it has been changed.

The first execution generates the file Compare_repli_SW_Inv_DM.txt with details about the DOMAIN Managers

Edit this file and remove the DOMAINs which do not exist anymore or not available on network
And adjust the password for ca_itrm if it is not NOT_changedR11 for the DOMAINs
3- Then execute again the script :
dmscript Compare_repli_SW_Inv.dms
dmscript Compare_repli_SW_Inv.dms -SQLEM ca_itrm NOT_changedR11
This script generates a log like <DSM Path>\logs\Compare_repli_SW_Inv_*.txt
This script generates some files <domain_name>.txt which contain Software Inventory Difference. There is one file per DOMAIN
Example :
Lines have following format :
Computer UUID;Computer Name;Software Name;Software Version;Source Type;Detection Date
Example :
0x9D07C16D0188C44CB2152685D0A8889D;<ComputerName>;Foundation Classes (MFC) 7.0;7.0;CA Provided;2023-02-09 13:42:03.000
Computer <ComputerName> (with UUID 0x9D07C16D0188C44CB2152685D0A8889D) has CA Provided Software "Foundation Classes (MFC) 7.0 7.0" detected at DOMAIN level. But this inventory does not appear at Enterprise level.
If a line ends with ;ES
0x9D07C16D0188C44CB2152685D0A8889D;<ComputerName>;Foundation Classes (MFC) 7.0;7.0;CA Provided;2023-02-09 13:42:03.000;ES
It means that inventory is present at Enterprise level but not at Domain level.

Additional Information

12 February 2023 : Version 1.0


1676301701311__Compare_repli_SW_Inv.dms get_app