What is the purpose of the VNA Inventory container in Spectrum
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What is the purpose of the VNA Inventory container in Spectrum


Article ID: 259789


Updated On:


DX NetOps


We have devices discovered in Spectrum for SDwan and trying to understand the functionality of the VNA inventory folder:



Release : 21.2.x 22.2.x


  • VNA inventory (container) is just a placeholder for all VNA entities discovered via the VNA integration.
  • All models (Underlay\Overlay) can be moved to their respective containers based on your needs.
  • If the SNMP model already exists in a site container it will be reconciled (not populated into the VNA container).
  • Anything discovered via VNA Integration is placed under SDN Manager Section (these should be left as is)
  • Anything discovered via VNA Integration is also placed under VNA Inventory Container within the Universe - These can be moved around within the Universe as needed to other Site Containers.
  • If an SNMP model is already discovered and placed somewhere in the Universe then, it would automatically not show up under the VNA Inventory Universe Container.
  • So if you are seeing SDWAN Routers in this VNA container verify if they exist anywhere else or not within the universe via Locator Search.
  • The same would apply to SDWAN Routers they are not displayed.  They would already be placed where they belong in the Universe.
  • If you selected SDN_Manager it would take you to the model within the SDN_Manager tree.
  • If you run a locator search on a Model once it is returned if you right-click on it and select Location and Select Universe it will take you to where it is located in the Universe (which Container):


*From Spectrum 10.4.2+ SLA Path models are not displayed under the SDN Manager hierarchy. You can use the locater search to find SLA Paths.