Migrate data during SYSVIEW upgrade
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Migrate data during SYSVIEW upgrade


Article ID: 259767


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SYSVIEW Performance Management


A few question user can face when upgrading SYSVIEW version 15 to 17.

  1. A couple of new thresholds were added to version 15, but in version 17 they are not present. So the first question is why? 
  2. And the second question is how to have the thresholds in sync between the 2 releases, that we created in version 15, to version 17?
  3. Hot to proceed with old CNM4BPRF library during upgrade to release 17?
  4. More detail about CNM4BDAT library. 


Release : 17.0


The answer to the first 2 questions is depended on a few factors. Depending on START mode SYSVIEW will decide from where to read the definitions  During COLD start SYSVIEW will read them from pamlib member in a way that first it will check SITE one and then if not found it will read the SYSTEM pamrlib. Let's imagine the following scenario, two release use the same parmlib and user just made some adjustments to THRESH parmlib member and recycle/reload it only on instance of 15.0, the 17.0 instance wouldn't be aware of new changes because THRESH parmlib member wasn't reloaded there. In this case where threshold definitions are stored in parmlib member the RELOAD or RECYCLE of SYSVIEW is required to have them active. In case 2 SYSVIEW instances share same parmlib members then both should be RELOADed/RECYCLEd. 

Regarding 3 question. In general, with a new release(starting from 16.0) is not mandatory to use CNM4BPRF from the prior one. The main benefit that it brings is that when users first-time logon on new release SYSVEIW will check is if that user has user profile from the prior release, if so it will copy it into new prof library and the user will have all the customized settings that was present in the prior release. 

And finally, the answer to question 4 about CNM4BDAT. This is a Persistent Data Store dataset and it stores a lot of data. So in general old DATALIB can be used as it is with new releases.  

Additional Information

For more details please check the following cmd's from the SYSVEIW user interface.