devices from vmware probe don't merge with devices from robots in OC
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devices from vmware probe don't merge with devices from robots in OC


Article ID: 259692


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


UIM inventory has almost 600 duplicates.  some of our VMware probe entries aren't merging with our robot entries. 


Release : 20.4


- The vmware username that the vmware probe uses had access to a replication cluster which is a server that saves a backup of the important server.
- Once the replication cluster is hidden for vmware username, the duplicate VMs disappear.
- then we had 15 duplicates which we troubleshooted by running a query in the database to identify them.
- then we ran a discovery server callback query by cs_id to find more information about the devices from the discovery_att CSV file.
- Depending on each case, some of them have 2 different robot ids so we cleared the niscash and deleted the duplicate entry in the OC.
- Other devices were moved from 1 vcenter to another so we deleted the duplicated entry.