Symantec Directory: how to delete an entry with a special character in its DN?
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Symantec Directory: how to delete an entry with a special character in its DN?


Article ID: 259654


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CA Directory


We have a problem with our Symantec / CA Directory.
We created an entry with such DN: cn=Subastas Pruebas Conexión,ou=ldap_demo_unit,o=ldap_demo,c=au

How can we delete such entry? When we try dxdelete we get 'Delete Result: No such object (32)' error





Release : 14.x


The following methods can be recommended:

1) Use ldapdelete  (not dxdelete) command:

ldapdelete  -H <URL> -D <Administrator_DN> -w <Password> "cn=Subastas Pruebas Conexión,ou=ldap_demo_unit,o=ldap_demo,c=au"

2) Use ldapmodify command (not dxmodify):

ldapmodify  -H <URL> -D <Administrator_DN> -w <Password> -f file.ldif

where file.ldif content is:

dn:: <base64 encoded DN>
changetype: delete

Note: ldapdelete and ldapmodify commands are available in vApp for config user.
Otherwise they can be obtained on the internet as they are provided with OpenLDAP product.

3) Use Jxplorer utility, it can delete entries with non-ASCII characters in DNs

4) Stop the DSA, dump the data into lDIF file (using dxdumpdb command), find the entry under question in the LDIF file and remove it, and load the data back into the Directory (using dxloaddb).
However, if you have more than one DSA with the same data replicating to each other, you will need to use proper recovery process to synchronize the DSAs.