Upgrade to Easytrieve 11.6-C compatibility mode: what is not compatible?
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Upgrade to Easytrieve 11.6-C compatibility mode: what is not compatible?


Article ID: 259623


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Easytrieve Report Generator


Please provide guidance/advice on any differences to be expected when upgrading from 6.4 to 11.6-C (compatibility mode).

Are there exceptions to be expected?





Easytrieve Report Generator
Release : 11.6 - compatibility mode


The expectation is that all will be absolutely fine upgrading from 6.4 to 11.6-C (compatibility mode) as these are running the same compiler.

These need to be done:
1. Please ensure that you have copied the EZTPOPT module from 6.4 CAILIB to 11.6 CBAALOAD.
2. Please run the JOB06OP2 JCL found in CBAAJCL to ensure NEWFUNC is set to N. 
3. Please do minimal testing such as including running the IVP job JOB08DEM also found in CBAAJCL. 
4. Please ensure that you are current on the 11.6 maintenance so that no already fixed problems are encountered.

The latest maintenance for release 11.6 includes LU06812:

Release 11.6 has been GA since July 3, 2011 as found here:

So, Easytrieve release 11.6 has been tested since July 3, 2011.

The only problems now encountered are when the above 4 steps are not followed.  If these are in place, running under compatibility mode should produce exactly the same results in the reports.

Please check the reports and confirm that the correct company name is present.  This will ensure that the EZTPOPT being used is from 6.4 and not the EZTPOPT we deliver with the product with default values.

Noticing in the report listings '11.6-C'  will confirm that you are running in compatibility mode.  Any programs executing EZTPA00 will be running in compatibility mode if NEWFUNC is set to N in the EZOPTBL option file for release 11.6.  Any load modules compiled/linked under 6.4 will continue to run in compatibility mode when executed under release 11.6, regardless of the NEWFUNC parameter value that is set.  NEWFUNC only comes into play with compile-and-go programs which execute EZTPA00 and are not creating a load module to be then executed.