cdm MCS is not getting pushed automatically on all the robots/servers in the group
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cdm MCS is not getting pushed automatically on all the robots/servers in the group


Article ID: 259621


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


cdm MCS profile is not getting pushed to new servers which are added in UIM.


Release: 20.4


1. Review and follow this techdoc, search on 'cdm-MC.' 

2. Deploy the cdm_mcs_template to the Primary hub.

Note that it takes some time to deploy the profiles to newly added devices.

3. Increase the java min/max memory in the mon_config_service probe on the Primary. It should be set to at least 2048 and 4096 GB respectively.

    Set loglevel to 5.

    Set logsize (or add logsize key if not present), to 200000.

    Check the log for errors.

4. Deactivate mon_config_service. Wait until the port and PID disappear.

5. Activate mon_config_service.

6. Check the log for errors again and wait a few hours and recheck to see if the profile is pushed.

This resolved the issue.