Post upgrade to UIM 20.4 cabi v7.50 probe throws no-restart code (42) error
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Post upgrade to UIM 20.4 cabi v7.50 probe throws no-restart code (42) error


Article ID: 259614


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


cabi probe deployed but would not finish its routines and threw ...returns no-restart code (42) as described below:

cabi.log or cabi_install_archive.log


Jan 21 14:37:18:764 [main, cabi] request failed: (4) not found, Received status (4) on response (for sendRcv) for cmd = 'probe_config_get' name = 'wasp'
Jan 21 14:37:18:764 [main, cabi] (4) not found, Received status (4) on response (for sendRcv) for cmd = 'probe_config_get' name = 'wasp'
Jan 21 14:37:19:577 [main, cabi] nimEx.getCode()=4, nimEx.getMsgForCode()=not found, nimEx.getMessage()=Received status (4) on response (for sendRcv) for cmd = 'probe_config_get' name = 'wasp'
Jan 21 14:37:19:577 [main, cabi] ignoring the message as the key might not net set; logging it for tracking later
Jan 21 14:37:19:702 [main, cabi] activating wasp...
Jan 21 14:37:19:702 [main, cabi] ... activated wasp  [time taken=0 minute(s) 0 second(s) (0 ms)]
Jan 21 14:37:19:702 [main, cabi] java.lang.NullPointerException
Jan 21 14:37:19:702 [main, cabi] setting the lastInstallStatus=4
Jan 21 14:37:19:702 [main, cabi] successfully set the lastInstallStatus=4
Jan 21 14:37:19:702 [main, cabi] srcFilePath=E:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\probes\service\cabi\cabi.log, srcFilePath.exists=true, tgtFilePath=E:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\probes\service\cabi\cabi_install_archive.log, tgtFilePath.exists=true
Jan 21 14:37:20:374 [7092] Controller: Probe 'cabi' (command = <startup java>) returns no-restart code (42)


  • UIM 20.4.0
  • CABI v7.50
  • MS SQL Server 2016
  • Cabi OS: Windows 2019
  • wasp 20.40


First, follow the cabi_bundled techdoc.

Install or Upgrade for a Bundled CABI Server

If issues arise and cabi will not start, when necessary, follow:

How to uninstall and then reinstall CABI probe in UIM 20.4

Then check the following:

Collect the cabi machine NimBUS address, e.g.,:


Go to the OC robot in IM.

Open wasp in raw configure mode.

Under setup->add a New Key named-> cabi


  /<domain>/<hub>/<robot>/cabi as the value

Restart cabi robot

Login to OC and check the Reports after wasp starts on the cabi machine.

On the CABI robot:
Deactivate the cabi probe.

Set the CABI configuration parameter cabi_url to http://<URLwithMatchingSubdomainAndDomain>:<port>/cabijs, e.g.,
In other words, use the FQDN, e.g., http://<cabi_machine>.<example>.<example>

Deactivate the wasp probe.

Set "None" to "Lax" settings as described below...
(Note: context.xml is under cabijs directory on the cabi robot)

Modify nimsoft/probes/service/wasp/webapps/cabijs/META-INF/context.xml with
<CookieProcessor class="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Rfc6265CookieProcessor" sameSiteCookies="Lax" />.

Activate the cabi probe.

Activate the wasp probe.

On the Operator Console (OC) robot:
Deactivate the wasp probe.

Modify nimsoft/probes/service/wasp/webapps/cabi/META-INF/context.xml with
<CookieProcessor class="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Rfc6265CookieProcessor" sameSiteCookies="Lax" />.
Activate the wasp probe.
Verify OC->Reports after cabi robot changes.

Deactivate and Activate wasp on the cabi robot.

Deactivate and Activate wasp on the OC robot.

Jaspersoft CABI (/cabijs) page should render without any page 'blinking' and without forcing you to re-login

Hit the OC Page again and login.

To test the CABI Reports, make sure you are actually monitoring and collecting the relevant data for the report you try to run, otherwise you wont see any data of course.

Login as administrator and check the OC Home page is showing all data/dashlets with no errors.

Note that Account-contact users ay not have full access.

Additional Information

When connecting to the OC interface make sure to connect using the following:


