SD-WAN Tunnel Statistics Geo Map is blank in NetOps Portal
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SD-WAN Tunnel Statistics Geo Map is blank in NetOps Portal


Article ID: 259545


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DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration CA Virtual Network Assurance


VNA - Inconsistent tunnel data and no sites in Geo map on 21.2.8.

DX NetOps Performance Management Portal web server default OOTB SD-WAN Tunnel Statistics Dashboard Geo Map is blank.

The Geo Map has no Map, Legend or other details shown or rendered in the View. All other Views on the Dashboard work normally.

This problem is seen when using the required 'Sites' named Site Group found under the VNA Domains as the Dashboards Context.

Using DX NetOps Virtual Network Assurance (VNA) Viptela and SilverPeak plugins which both show the same symptoms.


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases 22.2.6 and earlier


A new configuration added to improve Inventory List View load times.


A new option was added in the tool that helped improve load times for Inventory List Views in Dashboards. It has had a negative impact on Geo Map Views.

To resolve this we can change the configuration from it's default 'false' to 'true' and allow the Geo Map Views to work properly.

NOTE: This will increase load times for Inventory List Views in Dashboard Reports, potentially slowing down the load time for the Dashboard as a whole.

No process or service restarts are needed when changing this value. Change the value and reload the affected Dashboard to observe the result.

Change the path used below as needed. The default path is shown.

Enter the MySql DB password when prompted.

  • Check the current value:
    • /opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql -uroot -p -e "select * from netqosportal.general where attribute='UniversalList.CalcRealCount';"
  • Change from false (default) to true:
    • /opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql -uroot -p -e "update netqosportal.general set value='true' where attribute='UniversalList.CalcRealCount';"
  • Change from true back to default false:
    • /opt/CA/MySql/bin/mysql -uroot -p -e "update netqosportal.general set value='false' where attribute='UniversalList.CalcRealCount';"

Additional Information

This has been submitted to engineering as defect DE558309. Code change to resolve this, allowing UniversalList.CalcRealCount=false while the Geo Map Views still work, is included in the 22.2.7 release. Upgrade to resolve this permanently.