When executing the following statement:
imbulkloadclient.bat -c "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Identity Manager\Bulk Loader\conf\imbulkloadclient.properties" -f CSV -i "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Identity Manager\Bulk Loader\bin\input.csv" -b 2000 -v
we receive an error:
Failed to submit data to server: ; nested exception is:
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid element in com.ca.tews6.wsdl.ImsExceptionException - msgKey
Release : 14.4
Two possible reasons for the error above:
1. The imbulkloadclient.properties configuration and CSV header do not match
Navigate to: "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\Identity Manager\Bulk Loader\conf\imbulkloadclient.properties"
Review the section: uniqueIdentifierAttrName=uid
Ensure that the uniqueIdentifierAttrName attribute used matches the attribute within the input.csv.
Nonworking Example:
Working Example:
As seen in the above examples if you have uniqueIdentifierAttrName=uid then using %User_ID% will throw the exception.
The resolution is to match the input.csv and the properties file. You do this by changing uniqueIdentifierAttrName to %User_ID% or changing the input.csv to use uid.
2. The Admin Task defined in the imbulkloadclient.properties file has some issues.
Open the imbulkloadclient.properties
- Check the value of the actionToTaskMapping property is correctly written
- If everything is ok, open the Identity Manager UI and select the menu "Roles and Tasks" > "Admin Task" > "Modify Admin Task"
- Search for each Admin Task set in the actionToTaskMapping
- If the Admin Task is not retrieved, you have some issue with this Admin Task.
- Export the Roles and Tasks XML file from the Identity Manager Management Console and search for this task.
- One possible problem is the name is tokenized, like the line below
<ImsTask name="${bundle=resourceBundles.Provisioning-RoleDefinitions_Tokenized:key=task.My_Create_User.name}"......
- In this case, change the line to the following and reimport the Admin Task
<ImsTask name="My_Create_User"......
- Restart the Identity Manager
- Search again for the Admin Task to make sure it is retrieved in the Identity Manager UI
- Run a new test with imbulkloadclient.