Relationship between CAPC_Item_Id attribute in Spectrum to ItemID in CA Performance Management (CAPM)
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Relationship between CAPC_Item_Id attribute in Spectrum to ItemID in CA Performance Management (CAPM)


Article ID: 259529


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


In the DX NetOps Portal, on the Data Aggregator (DA) page, on the results is an Item ID: 

The same device is in Spectrum due life cycle sync between the products on Spectrum Global Collections (GC) associated to CAPM IP Domains. For the exact same device there is an attribute called CAPC_Item_Id in Spectrum:

How do these relate to each other?

How can the Spectrum CAPC_Item_Id be used to find the device in the Data Aggregator?



DX NetOps Spectrum & CAPM all current releases


The CAPC_Item_Id in Spectrum is the itemID on the CAPC/NetOps portal the dst_device table in mysql. The DA item_id is the localID on the CAPC/NetOps Portal in the dst_device table in mysql. 

itemID  = CAPC_Item_Id in Spectrum
localID = item_id on the data source (DA, Spectrum etc)

So to get the CAPC_Item_ID and the name of a device using the DA item_id you can use the following mysql query in the netqosportal DB on the NetOps Portal server of CAPM: 

mysql>select itemID,LocalID,ItemName from dst_device where LocalID=<DA item_id>;

To find a device in CAPM from the CAPC_Item_Id value in Spectrum, you can run:

mysql>select itemID,LocalID,ItemName from dst_device where itemId=<CAPC_Item_Id from Spectrum>;