When executing the following command to remove the failover EEM server “ java -jar eiam-clustersetup.jar” . I have found that java is not installed on the server. Should it have been installed with EEM?
Here is the Broadcom Doc I am referencing - https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/other/Embedded-Entitlements-Manager/12-6/configuring/failover-configuration/how-to-delete-a-secondary-server.html
How do we get the java software installed / integrated with EEM?
Release : 4.2
EEM use a private JRE which is located in \SC\EmbeddedEntitlementsManager folder.
If you are following that doc and run the command from the EiamInstallation\bin folder, it will not know the location of the java command.
You need to provide the full location of the java command like
"C:\Program Files\CA\SC\EmbeddedEntitlementsManager\jre18\bin\java" -jar eiam-clustersetup.jar