JCP creates forced traces.
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JCP creates forced traces.


Article ID: 259458


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


The Java-based process (JCP) creates a forced trace at startup. The log file contains the following messages:

20230207/113304.495 - 38     U00003590 UCUDB - DB error: '23000', 'ORA-00001: unique constraint (AUTOMIC.PK_OBLOB) violated
20230207/113304.495 - 38     ', '1', 'java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException'
20230207/113304.495 - 38               SQL Statement which caused this DB error:
20230207/113304.495 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '1' of type 'byte[]' to value '[B@3d7f49c8'
20230207/113304.496 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '2' of type 'Integer' to value '1067'
20230207/113304.496 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '3' of type 'String' to value 'jcp.cer'
20230207/113304.496 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '4' of type 'String' to value 'B'
20230207/113304.496 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '5' of type 'String' to value '*'
20230207/113304.496 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '6' of type 'String' to value '*'
20230207/113304.497 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '7' of type 'Timestamp' to value '2023-02-07 16:33:04.087'
20230207/113304.497 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '8' of type 'String' to value 'JCP.CER'
20230207/113304.497 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '9' of type 'Integer' to value '100002'
20230207/113304.497 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '10' of type 'Integer' to value '0'
20230207/113304.497 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '11' of type 'String' to value '*'
20230207/113304.498 - 38     U02012075 Set bind parameter '12' of type 'Integer' to value '4'
20230207/113304.498 - 38               INSERT INTO OBLOB (OBLOB_Content,OBLOB_ContentLen,OBLOB_Filename,OBLOB_FileType,OBLOB_HostAttrType,OBLOB_HW,OBLOB_ModDate,OBLOB_Name,OBLOB_OH_Idnr,OBLOB_ReplaceVar,OBLOB_SW,OBLOB_Type) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
20230207/113304.499 - 38     U00045014 Exception 'com.automic.database.api.DBException: "INSERT INTO OBLOB (OBLOB_Content,OBLOB_ContentLen,OBLOB_Filename,OBLOB_FileType,OBLOB_HostAttrType,OBLOB_HW,OBLOB_ModDate,OBLOB_Name,OBLOB_OH_Idnr,OBLOB_ReplaceVar,OBLOB_SW,OBLOB_Type) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"' at 'com.automic.database.impl.DBConnectionImpl.executeInternal():573'.
20230207/113304.499 - 38     U00045015 The previous error was caused by 'java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: "ORA-00001: unique constraint (AUTOMIC.PK_OBLOB) violated
20230207/113304.499 - 38     "' at 'oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer11.processError():629'.
20230207/113304.500 - 38     U00045015 The previous error was caused by 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseException: "ORA-00001: unique constraint (AUTOMIC.PK_OBLOB) violated
20230207/113304.500 - 38     "' at 'oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer11.processError():636'.
20230207/113304.500 - 38     U00003620 Routine 'com.automic.kernel.impl.DBAction' forces trace because of error.
20230207/113304.501 - 38     U00003450 The TRACE file was opened with the switches '0000000000000000'.
20230207/113304.682 - 38     U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished.



Release: 21.0.4

Component: Automation Engine




Component: Automation Engine

Automation Engine 21.0.5 - Available

Public short description EN:
JCP writes forced trace at the start time

Public description EN:
A problem has been fixed where the JCP may write a forced trace file caused by a unique constraint violated in the OBLOB table. Besides the trace file and error message, there was no side effect.

Additional Information

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