Site Servers with Package Services Write GUID Folders to Windows\Sytem32 Folder with Error copying event to queue: There is not enough space on the disk
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Site Servers with Package Services Write GUID Folders to Windows\Sytem32 Folder with Error copying event to queue: There is not enough space on the disk


Article ID: 259436


Updated On: 11-14-2024


Client Management Suite IT Management Suite


This issue may be seen when you notice that your site server, with package services installed, is not downloading new packages. When you check the site server logs, to investigate, you notice the following errors:

  • CAeXNSCPkgSvr::SendQueuedEvents failed. Error copying event to queue: There is not enough space on the disk..
  • _com_error exception: 0x80070070 Error copying event to queue: There is not enough space on the disk.
  • Error in SetWorkFolder(): Cannot create work folder (-2147024809). New folder: e:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Package Delivery (current folder: )
  • Cannot write to directory: 0x80070070 [There is not enough space on the disk] e:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Package Delivery

In addition, when you check the c:\windows\system32 directory, you notice many folders with a GUID in their name.


Release: 8.6


This has been confirmed to be a bug.


This issue has been addressed in ITMS version 8.7. There is also a point fix available that addresses this issue for 8.6 RU 3.  Please see CUMULATIVE POST ITMS 8.6 RU3 POINT FIXES for the point fix.