RHEL 8.7 has been upgraded to 4.18.0-425.10.1.el8_7.x86_64 and now seload failed
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RHEL 8.7 has been upgraded to 4.18.0-425.10.1.el8_7.x86_64 and now seload failed


Article ID: 259372


Updated On:


CA Privileged Identity Management Endpoint (PIM)


One of our servers got upgraded to the following RHEL 8.7version  


PAMSC is installed and worked before upgrade.

Now running seload shows the following error.

[root@xxxxx bin]# ./seload
CA Privileged Access Manager Server Control seload v14.10.40.182 - Loader Utility
Copyright (c) 2018 CA. All rights reserved.
SEOS_load: Executing un/load exit file,  /opt/CA/PAMSC/exits/LOAD/SEOS_load_int.always -pre
CA Privileged Access Manager Server Control seversion v14.10.40.182 - Display module's version

Copyright (c) 2018 CA. All rights reserved.

Running under:  Linux
SEOS_load: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 (Ootpa)" Kernel: 4.18.0-425.10.1.el8_7.x86_64
SEOS_load: /opt/CA/PAMSC/bin/SEOS_syscall.80-4180-425-31-RHELX86_64.MP.ko
CA Privileged Access Manager Server Control seversion v14.10.40.182 - Display module's version

Copyright (c) 2018 CA. All rights reserved.

Running under:  Linux

File name: /opt/CA/PAMSC/bin/SEOS_syscall
Version  :
Created  : Dec 18 2022 23:35:03
OS info  : Kernel: 4.18.0-425.3.1.el8.x86_64-RH87 _
SHA      : 7F68A041EC73C3C90936ACA1243E79745319CF960BB9D25017F412F829BAA69E9E625FC3DA054785D6AB67A846995CD405FAE079B351C151B540244CA8ACD34B
MD5      : 2CB3CBD1820F63DD775F62F8AC597CE5
SEOS_load: dmesg:
[24568.302445] seos_1410_40_182: disagrees about version of symbol pv_mmu_ops
[24568.310349] seos_1410_40_182: Unknown symbol pv_mmu_ops (err -22)
SEOS_load: Executing un/load exit file,  /opt/CA/PAMSC/exits/LOAD/SEOS_load_int.always -post
SEOS_load: SEOS_syscall WASN'T loaded


Release : PAMSC 14.1 Endpoint, RHEL 8.7


This is a known issue and it is addressed by applying the following patch


Please raise Broadcom Support ticket and request for the patch.