MUX Staffing page maintains stale information in Details flyout
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MUX Staffing page maintains stale information in Details flyout


Article ID: 259369


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Detail flyout in Staffing, Staff Grid maintains stale information when switching from Allocation Timelines

Steps to Reproduce: 

1. In MUX go to Staffing workspace, then to Staff Grid
2. Save the initial View without any filters as View1
3. Add a filter on Resource (e.g. Resource = Developer) and save the View as View2
4. Switch back to View1
5. Switch to the Allocations Timeline then select Allocations By Resource and expand a resource
6. Click on one of the investments under the selected resource and open the Details flyout - Details are displayed.
7. Switch back to Staff Grid (you should be on View1)
8. Now switch to View2 and open the Details flyout.


Expected Results: Blank Details flyout is displayed as the selected resource has been filtered out
Actual Results: Details flyout with data populated from the Allocations timeline is displayed even though the resource is not displayed in the grid.


Release : 16.1.0, 16.1.1


DE68444 - is resolved in 16.1.2 release.