CloudSOC Custom Gatelets delayed sync to WSS when using a CSV to import domains
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CloudSOC Custom Gatelets delayed sync to WSS when using a CSV to import domains


Article ID: 259367


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CASB Gateway Advanced CASB Gateway


• CloudSOC Custom Gatelets delayed sync when using a CSV to import domains.

• After activating a Custom Gatelet where a CSV file was used to import domains, CloudSOC would ignore traffic steering for all domains added to the Custom Gatelet.

• A sync would eventually perform overnight and traffic steering would apply as expected; however, the expected behavior is for the sync to update from CloudSOC to WSS within a few minutes as is the case for non-custom/'standard' Gatelets.


CloudSOC + WSS 


This was discovered to be caused by a defect.


A solution will be published with CloudSOC release 3.156.