Where does a customer I find and download the latest PAM_SUPPORT_SSH_DEBUG patch?
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Where does a customer I find and download the latest PAM_SUPPORT_SSH_DEBUG patch?


Article ID: 259360


Updated On:


CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


Where does a customer find and download the latest PAM_SUPPORT_SSH_DEBUG patch from?


Release : 4.0


Customer needs to prepare for a needed SSH debug session with a Broadcom Support Engineer.


1. SSH debug patch is not available to customer to download by Broadcom. This is intentional.

2. SSH Debug patch accessibility does not help  a customer alone as for security reasons customers are not provided the secret password that is required to use this patch to SSH into PAM backend. SSH debug patch is for Broadcom support engineer use.

2. When a Broadcom support engineer needs the accessibility to the PAM backend to troubleshoot a given customer issue, then the Broadcom support engineer uploads the SSH debug patch to the support case. For a Broadcom support led joint session with the customer, a  customer can apply in advance SSH debug patch after the support Engineer uploads the patch to the support case that the customer files.

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