Symantec Identity Manager - How to debug pwdmgr tool on linux or VAPP
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Symantec Identity Manager - How to debug pwdmgr tool on linux or VAPP


Article ID: 259324


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Suite


This Kb will guide you on how to troubleshoot any issues with the pwdmgr tool.


Release : 14.4


Open two Linux consoles to your environment.

Within the first window:

Log into the VAPP or Linux Console

su - imps
run ./pwdmgr

Within the second window

run: ps aux | grep pwdmgr
Find the PID for pwdmgr

su - imps
strace -p <pid>

Next follow all the documented steps for pwdmgr in the first window and all logging will be displayed on the second window.